IPEM of University of Siegen

The Chair of International Production Engineering and Management (IPEM) of University Siegen was founded in April 2017 by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Burggräf. The four main research areas are Industry 4.0 for horizontal integration, Cyber Production Management Systems and urban and international production. In these focal points, both basic and application-oriented research projects are carried out and, in addition, practice-oriented solutions are developed. Core competencies are the internal and external process optimization as well as factory and production planning. For the IPEM Chair, the use of artificial intelligence in production management plays a central role in addition to the topic of Industry 4.0.
Within the scope of various joint and industrial projects, IPEM demonstrates extensive knowledge in the areas of process and production management as well as production planning and control. In addition, the IPEM Chair is also instrumental in setting up the SDFS - Smart Demonstration Factory Siegen, Germany, where new solutions in and for the production of tomorrow based on Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence are implemented and presented to interested visitors.